Friday, December 5, 2008

What am I?

Dear Girlfriend,

College is a joke!!! I'm easily passing all my classes with a C-. I told the school janitor, and he says I'm the most talented kid in the whole school! Everyone here is jealous of my mad skillz man. They all wish they could be as great as me. Yesterday, I played ultimate frisbee and scored all 7 touchdowns for my team. All I did was sit in the inzone and cherry pick all the goals. Man, I'm SOOO AWESOME. I'm so awesome that my frat buddies substitute my name for Chuck Norris in those lame jokes. They say "When Tyler cries, his tears cure cancer." Anyways, just thought I would send you a letter about how great things are here at Wharton Community College. Write me back :D

~Tyler S.

P.S. When we get married, we'll put the me back in team.


lily w. said...

NARCISSIST :) you should write more

Melissa L said...

You are a narcissist. A good treatment for you would probably be volunteering or working with other people to get a better perspective on the lives of others.

Dan N. said...

You DEFINITELY have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I think you should describe more of your college life though. It was very short. You shoud get a treatment by going out to the real world and see another perspective of how people treat you and such.

Tyler S. said...

I didn't think i needed to write much to get my point across :D but yes ill try and add more about my college life.

Catherine H said...

narcissist definitely :)
the letter that you wrote made it seem like you thought very highly of yourself, which is basically what a narcissist is.

good post =)

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure that you are narcissistic
by the way, i'm sure they were jelous of your mad skilz (: lol

SASHA[: said...

definitlyy NARCISSISTT! lol great letter but i think writing a little more would make it even betterr :)

Jamal R. said...

Oh man another narc! I hate narcs! But ne wayz nice post tho!

Eric Z said...

definally narcissist,haha nice letter,probably can be a bit longer though

AustinC said...

narcissist it is! I like how you dropped your hints. it was much more subtle than most people. good job!

Doulos K. said...

Tyler. how could you?
haha. narcissist. although, you are good at sports.

Emma M said...

Definatly narcissist. hahaha really funny letter!

Kaitlyn C. said...

Whoa tyler I knew there was something wrong but I didnt think you were a Narcissist!!!