Case Study 8: A 26 year old man is very concerned about cleanliness and hygiene. He spends a significant amount of time each day washing his hands or showering, especially after touch a toilet seat, doorknob, or any other item he thinks may be dirty or contaminated. The patient explains that he is concerned about becoming infected or sick from touching these objects. He periodically acknowledges that the washing is excessive but explains that he becomes very anxious when he tries to avoid washing and eventually feels compelled to wash even more to make up for the omission.
Diagnosis in reference to DSM-IV-TR
This man has Obcessive Compulsive Disorder commonly known as OCD. The indication for this is the man's need to be clean, and his compulsive behavior to wash his hands. Although he recognizes his obsessive thoughts, his anxiety overrides him, and he is unable to stop his compulsion. This another major indication of his disorder.Treatment in reference to Austin Center for the Treatment of OCD
There are several possible treatments for OCD. Exposure (to obsessional thoughts) and ritual prevention (preventing compulsiveness) are the first two. Exposure might include the man allowing his hands to become slightly dirty, and his ritual prevention would be not allowing himself to wash them. Over time, his anxiety may go down, however the subject seems to have already tried this treatment and found unsatisfactory results. Therefore, another treatment might be the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. At first this medication may make the symptoms worse, but after a few weeks they reduce the obsession.
Obcessive Compulsive Disorder is a psychological disorder that can have life changing effects. The cumplusion may show in the form of several things, but the good news is the disorder is treatable. With careful therapy a patient can overcome OCD and live quite a normal life.